Contact Gill:   +44 7711200705

Spiritual Coaching

As a spiritual coach, also known as a spiritual life coach or spiritual advisor, Gill helps individuals explore and deepen their spiritual lives, aligning their personal and spiritual goals. 

Gill assist clients in discovering and pursuing their spiritual path or helps them to understand their life’s purpose. Here's what to expect with guidance on your Spiritual Path:


  • Helping to identify spiritual goals and aspirations.
    • Providing insights and practices to deepen spiritual awareness and connection.


  • Emotional and Spiritual Healing:
    • Facilitating healing from past traumas and emotional blocks through spiritual practices.
    • Supporting clients in overcoming fears, anxieties, and limiting beliefs. Promoting inner peace and emotional well-being.


  • Personal Growth and Transformation:
    • Encouraging personal development through spiritual principles.
    • Helping clients to develop self-awareness, mindfulness, and presence.
    • Guiding clients in integrating spiritual practices into their daily life.


  • Meditation and Mindfulness Practices:
    • Teaching various forms of meditation and mindfulness techniques.
    • Providing tools to help clients cultivate a regular practice.
    • Using these practices to promote mental clarity and emotional balance.


  • Alignment and Balance:
    • Helping clients to align their lives with their core values and beliefs.
    • Assisting in creating a balanced and harmonious life.
    • Addressing areas of imbalance or misalignment in both personal and professional life.


  • Life Purpose and Fulfilment:
    • Guiding clients in discovering and pursuing their life purpose.
    • Encouraging actions and decisions that lead to fulfilment and meaning.
    • Helping clients to set and achieve goals that resonate with their spiritual values.


  • Support and Accountability:
    • Provide ongoing support and encouragement.
    • Holding clients accountable for their spiritual and personal growth commitments.
    • Offering a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore and express their spirituality.


  • Methods and Tools used:
    • One-on-One Sessions: Personalised coaching sessions tailored to one’s individual needs.
    • Workshops and Retreats: Group settings for intensive spiritual work and community support.


  • Spiritual Practices: 
    • Guidance in meditation, manifesting techniques, the importance of journaling, vision boards, and other spiritual exercises.
    • Reading and Study: Recommending spiritual literature and resources for deeper understanding.
    • Energy Work
    • Techniques like Reiki, chakra balancing, and other forms of energy healing.


  • Benefits:
    • Enhanced self-awareness and self-understanding.
    • Greater sense of peace, purpose, and fulfilment.
    • Improved emotional and mental well-being.
    • Stronger connection to one's spirituality and higher self.
    • Practical tools for navigating life's challenges with grace and resilience.


In summary, Gill’s spiritual coaching helps individuals navigate their spiritual journey, providing guidance, support, and tools to enhance their spiritual well-being and personal growth. Through tailored sessions and practices, she can facilitate profound transformations, helping clients live more meaningful and aligned lives.


Spiritual coaching can benefit a wide range of individuals, regardless of their background or current level of spiritual awareness. Here are some groups of people who might find spiritual coaching particularly beneficial:


Who Can Benefit from Spiritual Coaching?

  • Those seeking Spiritual Growth:
    • Individuals looking to deepen their spiritual practice or explore new spiritual paths.
    • Those wanting to connect more deeply with their spirituality and higher self.


  • People Facing Life Transitions:
    • Individuals experiencing significant life changes such as career shifts, relationship changes, or moving to a new place.
    • Those going through challenging times, such as loss, grief, or major personal upheavals.


  • Individuals Seeking Purpose and Fulfilment:
    • People feeling unfulfilled or lacking purpose in their current life situation.
    • Those wanting to discover their life purpose and align their actions with their core values and beliefs.


  • Professionals Seeking Balance:
    • Busy professionals looking to find balance and reduce stress through spiritual practices.
    • Those seeking to integrate their spiritual beliefs into their professional lives.


  • Anyone Facing Emotional or Spiritual Blocks:
    • Individuals feeling stuck, anxious, or blocked in their personal or spiritual growth.
    • Those dealing with unresolved emotional issues or past traumas.


  • People Interested in Mindfulness and Meditation:
    • Individuals wanting to learn and practice mindfulness, meditation, and other spiritual techniques.
    • Those looking to enhance their mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being through these practices.


  • Spiritual Enthusiasts:
    • People already engaged in spiritual practices who want to take their practice to a deeper level.
    • Those looking for personalised guidance and support in their spiritual journey.


  • Individuals Seeking Accountability:
    • People who want a supportive and non-judgmental space to explore and express their spirituality.
    • Those looking for accountability and encouragement in achieving their spiritual and personal growth goals.


Gills coaching is not limited to any specific religion or belief system:

  • Her coaching is inclusive and can be beneficial to individuals of all religious backgrounds or those who identify as spiritual but not religious.
  • Her work is designed to respect and work within the belief systems and values of everyone.


  • Common Goals, what to expect in participating in Gill’s Spiritual Coaching:
    • Gaining a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s life purpose.
    • Developing and sustaining a regular spiritual practice.
    • Overcoming fears, limiting beliefs, and emotional blocks.
    • Achieving a greater sense of peace, balance, and fulfilment.
    • Navigating life’s challenges with resilience and grace.
    • Integrating spiritual insights and practices into your everyday life.


Gill’s spiritual coaching is for anyone looking to explore, enhance, or deepen their spiritual life, find purpose, and achieve personal growth. Providing a supportive and tailored approach to help individuals navigate their spiritual journey and achieve greater overall well-being.



Holistic & Spiritual Articles & Tools

Explore Gill's carefully curated articles to learn more and delve deeper when it comes to supporting you on your journey of spiritual enlightenment.

What Gill Means When She Refers to Being Spiritual  

“Contrary to popular belief Spirituals are not all tree hugging hippies singing Kumbaya…


The term "spiritual" refers to aspects of life that relate to the human spirit, soul, or a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, often transcending the material and physical aspects of existence. Spirituality encompasses a broad range of beliefs, practices, and experiences, and it can be expressed through various religious or non-religious frameworks.


Spirituals constantly explore one’s inner self, values, beliefs, and purpose. They seek tranquillity, contentment, and harmony within oneself and the world around them.  They connect to a higher power.  They have faith in a relationship with a higher power, a divine presence, or the universal consciousness.

Feeling connected to other people, nature, and the universe, this can result in them experiencing and recognising aspects of life that go beyond the physical and material world. Often encountering indescribable experiences that provide a sense of awe, wonder, and unity.  They feel compelled to exploring and pursuing one’s unique purpose or calling in life.


Spirituals engage in daily acts of kindness, service, and compassion as a way to express their spiritual beliefs and values.  As a result, they benefit from enhanced emotional resilience, reduces stress, and their daily practice promotes a sense of peace and contentment.

Benefitting in enhanced mental clarity, improved self-awareness, and a greater sense of purpose and direction. 


In summary, spirituality is a deeply personal and subjective experience, varying widely among individuals and cultures. It offers a way to explore the deeper aspects of life, find meaning and purpose, and cultivate a sense of connection to the greater whole.  And boy does the world need them at the moment.”



A-Z of Cystals and Powerful Properties

An A-Z listing of popular types of crystals along with their specific holistic and spiritual properties.  These descriptions provide a general overview of the spiritual and holistic properties associated with these crystals.

View A-Z of Crystals

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Professional Certifications & Accreditations 

Because if it's worth doing, it's worth doing properly and my clients deserve the best.


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