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Sixth Sense Explored

Imagine how you benefit from trubo charging your intuition?  Activating your third eye?  Gill explains how.

Put simply, it's about activationg the third eye. The pineal gland's role in regulating sleep and biological rhythms is well-documented scientifically, while the third eye is a spiritual concept symbolising higher perception and enlightenment. The connection between the two is a blend of ancient wisdom and modern interpretations, aiming to bridge physical and spiritual well-being.


The pineal gland and the concept of the "third eye" are often discussed in both scientific and metaphysical contexts. Here’s an explanation of each and their connection:


Pineal Gland


Scientific Perspective: 

The pineal gland is a small, pea-shaped endocrine gland located in the brain, near the centre between the two hemispheres, in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join.


Its function is that it produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles and seasonal biological rhythms.


Melatonin plays a critical role in regulating circadian rhythms, which affect sleep patterns, mood, and reproductive functions.


Things get interesting as science wakes up to shared ancient knowledge. Recent studies have identified microcrystals within the pineal gland that are composed of calcite. These microcrystals are piezoelectric, meaning they generate an electrical charge in response to mechanical stress. Some researchers speculate that they could play a role in the gland’s sensory capabilities or electromagnetic sensitivity, although this still requires further investigation.  Kind of makes sense considering everything is energy and frequencies. 


Spiritually, the pineal gland is referred to as the Third Eye.


From a Metaphysical Perspective - The third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to an invisible eye that provides perception beyond ordinary sight. It is often associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual enlightenment.


In various spiritual traditions, the third eye is depicted as being located on the forehead, slightly above and between the eyebrows. This corresponds to the location of the Ajna chakra in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.


The connection between the Pineal Gland and the Third Eye: Historically and in Spiritual context, many ancient cultures, including the Egyptians, Hindus, and Taoists, recognised a connection between the physical pineal gland and the concept of a spiritual third eye. They believed it to be a gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual insight.


The philosopher René Descartes referred to the pineal gland as the "seat of the soul," suggesting it played a key role in the connection between the body and the mind.


In today’s modern and spiritual interpretations, activating the third eye creates awakening and enlightenment


In contemporary spiritual practices, activating or awakening the third eye is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness. 


Techniques to stimulate the pineal gland or third eye include meditation, visualisation, and certain yoga practices.


Some theories suggest that fluoride and other environmental factors can cause calcification of the pineal gland, potentially hindering its function and, metaphorically, one's spiritual insight. As a result, practices to "decalcify" the pineal gland, such as avoiding fluoride and using certain supplements, have gained popularity.


Practices to Engage your sixth sense - activating the Pineal Gland/Third Eye;


  • Meditation
    • Regular meditation focusing on the third eye area can help in enhancing awareness and intuition.


  • Visualisation
    • Visualising a bright light or energy in the third eye region during meditation can help activate this area.


  • Yoga
    • Specific yoga practices and poses, particularly those involving forward bends and inversions, are believed to stimulate the pineal gland.


  • Healthy Lifestyle
    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and proper sleep, supports overall brain health, including the pineal gland.


  • Detoxification
    • Practices aimed at reducing fluoride intake and supporting detoxification can be part of a regimen to promote pineal gland health.


In summary, the pineal gland's role in regulating sleep and biological rhythms is well-documented scientifically, while the third eye is a spiritual concept symbolising higher perception and enlightenment. The connection between the two is a blend of ancient wisdom and modern interpretations, aiming to bridge physical and spiritual well-being.


Gill has shared some common strategies to activate the third eye, however Gill participated in an ancient Mayan ritual, conducted over 21 days to improve her own powers of intuition, she could teach you this secret method too, if you are intersted?

A-Z of Cystals and Powerful Properties

An A-Z listing of popular types of crystals along with their specific holistic and spiritual properties.  These descriptions provide a general overview of the spiritual and holistic properties associated with these crystals.

View A-Z of Crystals

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