Contact Gill:   +44 7711200705

Holistic & Spiritual Articles 

You might enjoy reading some of Gills carefully curated articles and blogs to support your journey of spiritual enlightenment.

Thought to represent the core essence of a person's being, influencing their behaviours, desires, strengths, and challenges. Explore yours.



7 Soul Archetypes Explained

Binaural Beats & Solfeggio Sound Therapy

Both binaural beats and Solfeggio frequencies can be combined with other relaxation or mindfulness practices, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.  


Dark Night of The Soul Explained

The dark night of the soul, while primarily a spiritual and emotional experience, can also manifest in various physical symptoms.


Frequency & Energy Eplained

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.



Grounding Explained

Grounding - a versatile & practical approach to managing emotional distress, a valuable tool for anyone seeking to improve their mental health & well-being.


Male Menopause or a Spiritual Awakening?

Understanding the nuances & overlaps between andropause & a spiritual awakening, navigate this period with greater clarity and compassion.


Menopause or a Spiritual Awakening?

Symptoms of menopause can often mimic those of a spiritual awakening. Therefore, understanding the overlap & differences between experiences could help you.



Why Try a Gong Bath?

Gong baths offer a unique and powerful way to experience the benefits of sound therapy, a pathway to deep relaxation, stress reduction & holistic well-being.


Sixth Sense Explored

Imagine how you could benefit from turbo charging your intuition?  Activating your third eye?  Gill explains how.


Schumman Resonance Explained

Some scientists and spirituals suggest a potential link between fluctuations in Schumann Resonance and various physical symptoms.



Shadow Work Explained

A spiritual practice aimed at exploring and integrating the unconscious parts of the psyche.


Sound Therapy & the Benefits

Sound therapy is a versatile & accessible form of holistic healing that can benefit a wide range of individuals by promoting relaxation & reducing stress.


What Happens When We Die?

Gill believes the soul is eternal, therefore we never really die. She shares her research and reasoning.



How Gill Discovered Her Spirit Guide

Gill shares how she discovered her Spirt Guide Oppa New-Woo and how that discovery was later endorsed during a public mediumship reading.


Visiting a Spiritual Church

Visiting a spiritual church can be a deeply fulfilling experience, offering opportunities for spiritual growth, community connection, and personal reflection.


Spiritual Awakening Explained

A spiritual awakening is a profound, transformative experience that leads to a heightened state of awareness & a deeper understanding of one's spiritual nature.



What's Your Life Purpose?

Discovering your life’s purpose can be a profound and fulfilling journey. Gill shares several approaches & strategies to help you uncover your life's purpose.


What is a Spirit Guide and Do You Have One?

No one is ever alone in this life.  We all have a spirit guide to help us navigate our souls journey, assisting us in troubled times.  


Psychic Mediumship Explained

Gill explains, what is a Psychic Medium and gives an understanding the Clair's.  You'll likely identify some abilities within yourself.



Lightworker Explained

Lightworker as a person who feels a deep sense of purpose in spreading light, love, and healing energy in the world. Driven by a desire to help others.


Synchronicities Explained

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that occur in life. They seem to be connected despite having no apparent causal relationship.


Channelling Explained

Channelling is a process where a person communicates with entities from other dimensions, spiritual realms, or higher states of consciousness.



Indigo Children Explained

Indigo Children is a term used by spirituals to describe a new generation of children who are believed to possess special, sometimes supernatural traits or abilities.


Remote Viewing Explained

Remote viewing is the practice of using the mind to perceive information about a distant or unseen target without the use of the traditional five senses.


Messages from Spirit

A handful of many mediumship messages that Gill hopes will provide comforting insights and affirmations about the experiences of loved ones in the spirit world.



Understanding Duality

Explore spiritual duality, offers profound insights into the nature of existence & the human experience.  Embracing & integrating opposing forces within.


Are Souls Recycled?

The concept of souls being recycled, or reincarnation, suggests that souls undergo a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.


Starseeds Explained

Starseeds are individuals who believe they have originated from other planets, star systems, or dimensions.  Feeling a strong sense of purpose to help Earth.



Collective Consciousness

Collective consciousness refers to the set of shared beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and knowledge that is common among a group of people or within a society. 


The Field - Connecting All Things

A field connects all things often relates to fundamental theories in physics that seek to explain how all particles & forces in the universe are interconnected.


A-Z of Cystals and Powerful Properties

An A-Z listing of popular types of crystals along with their specific holistic and spiritual properties.  These descriptions provide a general overview of the spiritual and holistic properties associated with these crystals.

View A-Z of Crystals

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