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Psychic Mediumship Explained

Gill is a psychic, and she is also a practicing medium.  Not all psychics are mediums here she explains so that you have a better understanding of psychic mediums and the different Clair senses.  It’s highly likely that you’ll identify some abilities within yourself that you might take for granted.  You might find this article interesting if you have considered developing your own mediumship abilities.

Psychic Medium

A psychic medium is someone who has the ability to communicate with spirits of the deceased and other non-physical entities. They act as intermediaries between the living and the spirit world, delivering messages and insights from the other side.


The Clair Senses:

The ‘Clair’ senses are a set of psychic abilities that enable mediums and psychics to receive information in various forms. Each sense corresponds to a different way of perceiving non-physical information.


  • Clairvoyance - Clear Seeing
    • The ability to see images, symbols, or scenes in the mind's eye. These visions can come in flashes or as more prolonged scenes.
    • Example: Seeing an image of a loved one who has passed away or visualising an event that is yet to happen.


  • Clairaudience - Clear Hearing
    • The ability to hear sounds, voices, or messages that are not audible to the normal ear.
    • Example: Hearing a spirit's voice delivering a message or hearing music that is significant to a person.


  • Clairsentience - Clear Feeling
    • The ability to feel or sense emotions and physical sensations from spirits or other people.
    • Example: Sensing a spirit’s presence through a physical sensation like a touch or feeling the emotions of a person who has passed.


  • Claircognisance - Clear Knowing
    • The ability to just ‘know’ something without receiving it through any of the other Clair senses.
    • Example: Suddenly knowing the answer to a question or receiving an insight without knowing how you know it.


  • Clairalience - Clear Smelling
    • The ability to smell scents that are not present in the physical environment.
    • Example: Smelling a deceased loved one’s perfume or the scent of flowers in a room with no flowers.


  • Clairgustance - Clear Tasting
    • The ability to taste something that isn’t actually there.
    • Example: Tasting a favourite food of a spirit who is trying to communicate.


Training to Develop Psychic Abilities


Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Practice Regularly - Daily meditation helps to clear the mind, increase focus, and heighten sensitivity to subtle energies.



  • Staying present and aware throughout the day can help you become more attuned to psychic impressions.


Energy Work - Chakra Balancing

  • Working on your chakras can help clear energy blockages and improve the flow of psychic information.



  • Techniques like visualisation, walking barefoot on the earth, or deep breathing exercises help you stay grounded and centred.


Practice the Clair Senses


  • Clairvoyance - Practice visualising objects, scenes, and symbols in your mind’s eye.
  • Clairaudience - Pay attention to inner sounds and try to discern messages or information.
  • Clairsentience - Focus on your physical and emotional feelings, noting any changes or impressions.
  • Claircognisance - Trust your gut feelings and intuitive knowledge without overanalysing.
  • Clairalience and Clairgustance - Pay attention to any unusual smells or tastes and note their significance.



  • Keep a Journal, record your experiences, dreams, and any psychic impressions you receive. This helps track your progress and understand patterns.


Developing Intuition

  • Practice - Use tools like tarot cards, runes, or pendulums to develop your intuitive skills.



  • Practice exercises like guessing who is calling before looking at your phone or trying to predict the outcome of events.
  • Frequent a Spiritual Church - listen to readings being delivered by mediums as regularly as possible.
  • Join a Circle at your Spiritual Church - it’s a great way to practice. 
  • Fledgling is the term given to a practicing medium that is in training.  It involves platform work and mentoring by, and often supporting an expert medium when doing platform work.
  • Psychic Development Classes: 
  • Workshops and Courses - Attend workshops, seminars, or online courses focused on psychic development and mediumship.


Mentorship - Seek guidance from experienced psychics or mediums who can provide insights and training.


Spiritual Hygiene

  • Cleansing - Regularly cleanse your energy field using techniques like smudging with sage, taking salt baths, or using crystals.
  • Protection - Use visualisation techniques to create protective barriers around yourself, such as imagining a bubble of white light.


In Summary, a Psychic Medium communicates with spirits and delivers messages from the other side. Clair senses includes clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognisance, clairalience, and clairgustance, each representing different ways of receiving psychic information.


Training involves meditation, energy work, practicing the Clair senses, journaling, developing intuition, attending classes, and maintaining spiritual hygiene.


Developing psychic abilities is a gradual process that requires patience, practice, and more practice, plus keeping an open mind. By consistently working on these practices, individuals can enhance their sensitivity to spiritual and psychic information. Gill suggests that you approach it in a playful way, don’t stress or beat yourself up if you’ve not delivered a good reading.  We are only human.  Gill says that psychics are like athletes, one day you’ll smash your personal best and the next you’ll be disappointed and feel off kilter.  It’s the rebound that’s important.


Practice and consistency will develop confidence.  It’s very common for a Psychic medium to lose their faith and start questioning their connection. Stick with it.  Gill works with her local spiritual church often, is a member of a circle and she dedicates a few hours every day to work on Psychic phone lines, it keeps her connected, gives her global reach and helps her to maintain her confidence.  If you have enjoyed reading about mediumship, you might enjoy reading about messages from spirit.

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