Contact Gill:   +44 7711200705

Holistic & Spiritual Guidance

Metaphysics, at its core, is the study of spiritual awakening and guidance. It seeks to answer fundamental questions about the nature of reality by examining our innermost spiritual selves and how they shape our lives. Metaphysical practices are often used as a way to explore the soul and bring consciousness to new levels. From this exploration can come great wisdom, insight, and understanding of the universe. Metaphysics is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to gain a deeper understanding of our connection with the world around us. It provides a framework for us to discover our true purpose in life and find guidance on how to live it. By taking part in this journey we can access our innermost strength, creativity, and potential. The journey of metaphysical exploration can lead to a more fulfilling life, both spiritually and physically. It is up to us to explore this beautiful realm and use it to our advantage. 


Metaphysics allows us to answer age-old questions such as "who am I?" and "what is the purpose of life?" By understanding our true connection with the universe, we can come to discover our innermost truth. It helps us to understand our own spiritual journey and how it relates to the grand scheme of things. By exploring metaphysical topics, such as energy healing and meditation, we can gain insight into ourselves and the world around us. Ultimately this exploration leads to greater spiritual awareness, harmony within ourselves, and a deeper understanding of the forces that exist in the universe. 

Simply needing some guidance?  
Or wanting to learn how to develop your own psychic abilities? The choice is yours...

When it comes to psychic abilities, there are five main categories - clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairalience and clairgustance. Clairaudience is the ability to hear messages from beyond in the form of thoughts or voices. Clairvoyance is the ability to see events that have yet to happen or that may be occurring at a distance. Clairsentience is the ability to feel or sense energy from beyond. Clairalience is being able to smell odours, for example cigarette smoke, perfume or any doors that would trigger a memory connection or emotion.  Clairgustance is the ability to taste, a particular taste associated with a particular food or beverage. 


The truth is, every one of us has the innate ability, but it's like muscle training, these abilities require practice and dedication to hone, but can be incredibly powerful tools for personal insight and understanding of the world around us. Despite some people's scepticism about these abilities, they are real phenomena with a long history of anecdotal evidence. As such, I believe that anyone interested in exploring their own inner world should give these abilities a try! 


It's important to recognize that developing psychic abilities can be a challenge, but it is far from impossible. It's important to take time each day to practice and focus on honing these abilities. Meditation or other forms of relaxation can help open the mind and increase awareness for picking up on subtle energies. Also, make sure you have an open mind and don't be too quick to dismiss any sign or message that you may receive. This can help keep you open and receptive to whatever comes your way. Last but not least, always remember that psychic abilities are a journey of self-discovery, so take it one step at a time and enjoy the ride! 


Remember, psychic abilities are real and it's important to give them a chance. With practice, dedication, and an open mind, you can unlock your inner potential and explore the world around you in new ways. So don't be afraid to take the plunge! Good luck on your journey of self-discovery. 


Mediumship Reading

If you are looking for guidance and to connect with a loved one from the spirit world then you could consider a mediumship reading. Gill has been practicing her ability to bridge the gap between this world and the spiritual realm through using her skills in Clairaudience and Clairsentience, allowing you to communicate with those that have passed on.

Through a mediumship reading, you can receive guidance from your loved ones that have crossed over or even gain insight into issues you might be facing in life. While the process of mediumship is an ancient one, there are still many people who choose to have readings for various reasons. So if you’re looking for answers and guidance, a mediumship reading could help guide you down the right path.

Tarot Card Reading

Gill offers one-on-one Tarot card readings.

Whether you're looking for guidance in your life decisions or searching for answers about the future, a tarot card reading can be a great way to get the insights you need. 

Gill is an experienced reader and is passionate about helping people connect with their subconscious and spirit guides to discover what destiny holds for them. The readings offered can be incredibly accurate and insightful, giving you a new sense of clarity that will prove invaluable. So if you're looking for an experienced tarot reader, be sure to reach out.

Angel Card Reading

Gill offers one-on-one Angel oracle card readings.

Angel card readings are a way to get the guidance and clarity you need. It utilizes an oracle deck, which contains cards with symbols, images, and messages that can be interpreted for insight into your life. During a reading, I will lay out cards from the deck in response to questions you have about a particular area of your life - they can range from relationship issues to career advice. 

The cards act as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious, providing clarity on the paths we take in life. Angel card readings can be incredibly helpful for those who are looking for guidance and a new perspective on any area of their lives. 

What To Expect During a Tarot Card Reading

  • A tarot card reading with Gill can offer valuable insights and guidance, helping you understand your current situation, explore potential outcomes, and make informed decisions. Knowing what to expect can help you make the most of this experience.


  • Gill uses a deck of tarot cards to provide insights and guidance on various aspects of your life. Here’s what you can typically expect during a tarot card reading with her:


  • Purpose
    • The goal is to create a focused and meaningful reading.


  • Process
    • Gill will create a calm and serene environment in her therapy room, often with candles, incense, and soothing music. These readings work equally well over Zoom or WhatsApp.


  • Grounding and Centring 
    • In-person readings will begin with Gill encouraging you to take a few moments to ground and centre yourself, often through deep breathing or a brief meditation. For remote readings, Gill meditates ahead of time to prepare.


  • Introduction and Rapport
    • Gill will introduce how the process works, explain her approach, and establish rapport to help you relax. She encourages you to approach the reading with playfulness and an open mind.


  • Setting Your Intention
    • You’ll be asked about specific questions or areas of your life you want to focus on during the reading. This is known as setting your "intention."


  • Shuffling and Drawing Cards
    • Gill will shuffle the cards while focusing on your intention. She will then fan them out and draw the cards, laying them out in a specific pattern or spread, with each position representing different aspects of your question or situation.


  • Interpretation
    • Gill will interpret the selected cards, providing intuitive insights relevant to your questions. Using her psychic intuition, she will weave together the meanings of the cards to form a narrative that addresses your concerns. She will start by describing your current situation, often with remarkable accuracy, and then discuss what’s predicted for the future, including potential feelings and emotional consequences.


  • Reflection and Discussion
    • You will have the opportunity to discuss the insights and how they relate to your current situation or future possibilities. This is a collaborative part of the session where you can ask questions and seek clarification.


  • Practical Guidance
    • Gill will offer practical guidance and advice based on the reading. Her coaching experience sets her apart, allowing her to suggest practical steps or actions you can take to address your concerns or achieve your goals, emphasising your personal power and choices in shaping your future.


  • Conclusion
    • Gill will summarise the key points and messages from the reading. She will welcome you to join her in expressing gratitude for the insights and the time spent together.


  • Confidentiality and Respect
    • Rest assured that the content of your reading is kept confidential. The session is conducted in a respectful and non-judgmental manner.


  • Gill encourages you to use the valuable insights from the reading as a tool for personal reflection and growth.

Are You Ready?

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Holistic Articles & Tools for Spiritual Development

Explore Gill's carefully curated articles to learn more and delve deeper when it comes to holistic healing and spiritual development.






Looking for more regular support and guidance in your life or in your personal spiritual development.

Gill works with a small number of clients on a retainer basis.  They then benefit from having Gill on hand and accessible on a daily or weekly basis for guidance. Trusting that Gill has a safe pair of hands to keep them on track with their life goals and aspirations.

Professional Certifications & Accreditations 

Because if it's worth doing, it's worth doing properly and my clients deserve the best.


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