Contact Gill:   +44 7711200705

The Art of Conscious Communication

“A smart person knows what to say, a wise person knows whether to say it or not.”

Experienced Transformational Life coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) therapist Gill has identified that many people are damaged from negative words spoken to them in their past.  It’s time to collectively and consciously break the cycle. She invites one to think before you speak - choose your words carefully, navigate away from using negative words, as it’s really damaging. Instead practice speaking with compassion and integrity.  Because words have the power to build or destroy. They can uplift others or cause harm, so be mindful of this impact.


  • Practice Self-Control 
    • Before speaking, consider the potential consequences of your words and exercise self-restraint.


  • Choose Kindness
    • Always use words that are compassionate and considerate, even in difficult situations.


  • Avoid Negative Speech 
    • Refrain from engaging in gossip or speaking negatively about others. Constructive criticism should be delivered with care and sensitivity.


  • Be Slow to Speak 
    • Take time to think before speaking to avoid hasty or hurtful words.


  • Encourage and Build Up
    • Use your words to encourage, support, and uplift those around you.


  • Active Listening
    • Effective communication involves not only speaking but also actively listening to others. Remember, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason.


  • Accountability
    • Take responsibility for your words and actions, and be willing to make amends if necessary.


  • Maintain Confidentiality
    • Respect the privacy of others and keep confidential information to yourself.


  • Address Conflict Constructively
    • When conflicts arise, engage in healthy, respectful communication to find resolution.


  • Choose Words Wisely
    • Use words that are helpful and constructive and avoid those that may be hurtful or damaging.


  • Learn to Apologise
    • When you’ve spoken thoughtlessly or hurt someone, offer a sincere apology.


  • Foster Positive Relationships
    • Use your words to strengthen and build positive relationships with others.


  • Set a Good Example
    • Be a role model for kind and respectful communication, especially for those around you, including children who learn from adults.


  • Be Mindful of social media
    • Extend the principles of good communication to online interactions, avoiding harmful or inflammatory posts.


  • Offer Compliments - Genuine compliments can boost morale and strengthen relationships. Practice giving sincere and thoughtful praise.


  • Forgive and Heal
    • When words cause harm, apologize sincerely and be willing to forgive others. This can heal wounds and restore relationships.


  • Provide Comfort and Support
    • Use your words to offer comfort, support, and encouragement. They can have a profound positive effect on others.


By following these principles, you can ensure your words are used thoughtfully and compassionately, fostering deeper connections, and promoting positive interactions.  Remember the saying that the Tongue is Mightier than the Sword!


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