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Remote Viewing Explained

Remote viewing is the practice of using the mind to perceive information about a distant or unseen target without the use of the traditional five senses. A remote viewer can gather information about a distant or unseen target using only their mind. It's like trying to see or sense something without being physically present there.

How Remote Viewing Works:


A person, called the viewer, is given a task to describe a location, object, or event that they cannot physically see. This target is usually kept secret from the viewer.


The Process:

  • Relaxation - The viewer often starts by relaxing and clearing their mind, by meditating. 
  • Focus - The viewer focuses their mind on the target. They might be given a random set of numbers or letters that are linked to the target, but nothing that directly reveals what it is.
  • Impressions - The viewer begins to write down or draw any impressions, images, or feelings that come to mind. These impressions are often vague and symbolic.
  • Results - The information gathered is then compared to the actual target to see if there are any matches. Even though the viewer might not get a perfect image, they often provide surprisingly accurate details.
  • Practical Example - Imagine someone asks you to describe a place they are thinking about, but you’re not allowed to know anything about it beforehand. You sit quietly, focus, and start noting down images or feelings that come to you, like water, tall buildings, or a sense of warmth. Later, you find out the place was a beach city.


In Summary remote viewing is a mental practice of describing a distant or unseen target without physical access. They relax, focus on a given task, and note down impressions. Used to gather accurate details about the target using only the mind. It's like using your intuition to see or sense something far away, based purely on mental impressions.



The American Government have been known to use remote viewing - The Stargate Project. 


The Stargate Project was a secret U.S. government program that ran from the 1970s until the mid-1990s. It aimed to investigate the potential of psychic phenomena, particularly remote viewing, for intelligence purposes.


The remote viewer is given a target, often represented by a set of random coordinates or a specific question. The viewer then attempts to perceive and describe the target using mental impressions, such as visual images, sounds, or other sensory details.


The viewer records their impressions, usually a mix of automatic writing and automatic drawings which are then analysed and compared to the actual target.


The Stargate project began in the early 1970s at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in California. It was initially funded by the CIA and later managed by various agencies, including the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA).


The main goal was to determine if remote viewing could be a reliable tool for gathering intelligence, especially in situations where other methods were not feasible.


Notable figures involved included physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, who conducted many of the initial experiments. Prominent remote viewers included Ingo Swann, Pat Price, and Joseph McMoneagle.


  • The program developed standardised protocols to make remote viewing sessions as objective as possible. This included double-blind procedures where neither the viewer nor the interviewer knew the target in advance.
  • Remote viewers were tasked with various intelligence-related assignments, such as locating hostages, describing military installations, and gathering information about foreign activities.


Controversial results

  • Although there were some notable successes, such as detailed descriptions of Soviet facilities, the overall results were mixed. Sceptics argued that the evidence for remote viewing's reliability was not robust enough.
  • It’s also controversial to hear that the program was ultimately declassified and terminated in 1995, with the CIA concluding that remote viewing had not been proven useful for intelligence purposes.


After its declassification, the Stargate Project became widely known, leading to increased public interest in remote viewing and other psychic phenomena. Books, documentaries, and films have since explored the topic, often with a mix of factual information and speculative interpretation.


By understanding the Stargate Project, one can appreciate the lengths to which governments might go to explore unconventional methods for gaining intelligence, even when the results remain controversial and continue to be scientifically debated.



Remote Viewing for Police Investigations


Remote Viewing has been known to be see in some Police Investigations to assist law enforcement officers in solving cases, finding missing persons, or uncovering information about criminal activities that are otherwise difficult to obtain.


  • Remote viewers have been known to provide descriptions and locations of missing individuals. In some cases, they have described specific landmarks or environments that have led to further investigation.
  • Viewers might describe a crime scene, providing details that could reveal new evidence or insights into the sequence of events.
  • Sometimes, remote viewers might provide descriptions of potential suspects or their locations, aiding in the narrowing down of investigative leads.
  • There are anecdotal accounts of remote viewing leading to significant breakthroughs in cases. For example, some police departments have credited remote viewers with providing critical details that were otherwise unknown.
  • The scientific community remains sceptical of remote viewing due to the lack of empirical evidence and reproducibility. Critics argue that any successful outcomes could be due to chance, generalisation, or psychological factors such as confirmation bias.
  • Law enforcement agencies often do not publicly acknowledge the use of remote viewing due to its controversial nature and the potential for public scepticism.
  • Therefore, agencies typically use remote viewing discreetly to avoid public scrutiny and ensure that it does not interfere with standard investigative procedures.
  • Remote viewing is used as an adjunct to traditional investigation methods. Information obtained from remote viewers is cross-checked and validated through conventional means before taking any action.


Some law enforcement agencies that utilise remote viewing work with trained remote viewers who follow established protocols to ensure the process is as controlled and unbiased as possible.


By understanding how remote viewing can be integrated into police work, one can appreciate the balance between exploring unconventional methods and maintaining rigorous investigative standards.

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