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Indigo Children Explained

Indigo Children is a term used by spirituals to describe a new generation of children who are believed to possess special, sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. These children are thought to be part of a larger shift in human consciousness and play a significant role in the spiritual evolution of humanity.

The term Indigo Children was coined by parapsychologist, self-described synesthete, and psychic Nancy Ann Tappe in the 1970s. Tappe introduced the concept in a comb-bound book published in 1982, which she later expanded and republished in paperback in 1986 as Understanding Your Life Thru Colour. 



The key concepts of Indigo Children according to Gill:


Origins and Purpose - Indigo Children are said to be born with a heightened level of consciousness and a sense of purpose aimed at transforming society and the planet.


They are believed to be part of a new wave of human evolution, bringing new ways of thinking and being that challenge traditional norms and structures.


Characteristics of Indigo Children:


  • Intuitive and Psychic Abilities
    • Many Indigo Children exhibit strong intuitive, psychic, or empathic abilities.
  • High Intelligence and Creativity
    • They often display exceptional intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Strong Sense of Self
    • Indigo Children typically have a strong sense of self and an inner knowing of their mission or purpose.
  • Resistance to Authority
    • They may challenge traditional authority and systems, questioning rules and norms that seem outdated or unjust.
  • Empathy and Sensitivity
    • These children are often highly sensitive to their environment and the emotions of others.
  • Behavioural Traits
    • Independence - They tend to be independent thinkers and prefer to do things in their own way.
  • Non-conformity
    • They resist conforming to traditional educational and social systems.
  • Strong-willed
    • Indigo Children often exhibit a strong will and determination, especially when it comes to issues they care about deeply.


Challenges Faced by Indigo Children:


  • Misunderstanding and Mislabelling - Due to their unique traits, they may be misunderstood or misdiagnosed with behavioural disorders like ADHD.
  • Emotional and Energetic Sensitivity - Their heightened sensitivity can make them more prone to emotional and energetic overwhelm.
  • Difficulty in Traditional Settings - They may struggle in conventional educational and social systems that do not accommodate their needs and abilities.


Role in Human Evolution:


  • A Catalysts for Change
    • Indigo Children are seen as catalysts for change, bringing new perspectives and solutions to global issues.
  • Their presence is thought to accelerate the shift towards a more conscious, compassionate, and interconnected world.
  • Transformative Influence
    • They are believed to help dismantle outdated systems and structures, paving the way for new, more holistic, and sustainable ways of living.
  • Their unique abilities and perspectives are seen as essential for addressing complex global challenges and fostering innovation.


Supporting Indigo Children: 


  • Education - Developing educational systems that are flexible, creative, and individualised can help support the unique learning styles of Indigo Children.
  • Encouraging creative expression, critical thinking, and self-directed learning is important.
  • Emotional and Energetic Support:
  • Providing environments that are emotionally safe and energetically balanced can help Indigo Children thrive.
  • Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and energy work can be beneficial.


Community and Connection:

  • Building supportive communities that understand and value the unique traits of Indigo Children can help them feel accepted and empowered.
  • Facilitating connections with like-minded peers and mentors is crucial.


Parental and Caregiver Guidance:


  • Educating parents and caregivers about the characteristics and needs of Indigo Children can help in providing appropriate support and understanding.
  • Encouraging open communication, respect for their autonomy, and nurturing their gifts are key strategies.



Gill believes it is important to raise awareness about Indigo Children and their potential impact on society. It’s impossible to validate the experiences and challenges faced by Indigo Children and their families. It’s important to provide guidance and nurturing for the spiritual and personal growth of Indigo Children, emphasising their role in the larger context of human evolution.


In summary Indigo Children are the future pioneers of a new era in human consciousness. By understanding and supporting their unique traits and abilities, Gill believes we can help facilitate the positive transformation they are here to bring about. 


It’s important to emphasise the significance of flexibility, creativity, and compassion in nurturing the potential of Indigo Children for the benefit of all humanity.

A-Z of Cystals and Powerful Properties

An A-Z listing of popular types of crystals along with their specific holistic and spiritual properties.  These descriptions provide a general overview of the spiritual and holistic properties associated with these crystals.

View A-Z of Crystals

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