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Messages from Spirit

Gill shares her personal experiences from both receiving and delivering mediumship messages. It's rare for the spiritual realm to discuss what its’s like on the ‘other side’ in detail, but here are some key takeaways:

Best Version of Self

Mediums often describe loved ones in spirit as the best versions of themselves. They convey that the person appears at the age and in the body, they were most comfortable with on Earth. For instance, Gill’s grandfather, who had both legs amputated, was described as having legs again in the spirit world. Similarly, messages about Gill’s brother, who passed after suffering severe burns, express that his body is now fine and free of burns.


No Longer Suffering

Messages frequently communicate that those who have passed are no longer in pain. For example, Gill’s best friend, who passed after a triple organ transplant, is now free from suffering.


Healing and Rehabilitation

Spirits who left unexpectedly, such as in a tragic accident, often undergo a period of healing and rehabilitation in the spirit world. It’s also comforting to learn that the spirit is taken out of the body just before impact, so the soul doesn’t experience the trauma.


Enjoying Food Again

For those who were unwell, diabetic, or had digestive issues that prevented them from enjoying food, messages often describe them eating and enjoying treats, such as cake, again.


Continued Pleasure in Personal Pursuits

Spirits often continue to enjoy activities they were passionate about on Earth. For example, a loved one who enjoyed playing golf might communicate that they have just enjoyed a round of golf in the spirit world.


Remorseful Spirits

Spirits who chose to end their own lives often communicate that they have received healing and rehabilitation. They express regret for their actions, apologise for the pain caused to their families, and reassure them that they are fine and doing well. Regardless of religious beliefs, these spirits still reach a peaceful afterlife. This is especially comforting for Gill, whose brother took his own life.


Present at Their Funeral

When a soul has recently passed, they often mention being present at their own funeral during mediumship messages. They may describe the service, the music played, or the colour of the flowers. For example, they convey feeling overwhelmed by the large gathering of people who cared for them.



Reunions with Loved Ones

Messages from the other side often convey that the departed are reunited and spending time with family and friends. A skilled medium may even mention specific names you’ll recognise, providing reassurance that your loved ones are not alone.


One time a medium accurately called out the names of Gills grandmothers’ siblings, and she was from a big family. 


Anniversaries and Birthdays Acknowledged

Mediums frequently communicate dates that hold special significance. These can be specific months, days, or full dates, often relating to anniversaries or birthdays near the time of the reading. 


For instance, during one session, Gill's brother mentioned that the day of the reading was particularly meaningful, and that Gill and her sister would be together on the day before his birthday. He said he had his bags packed and was joining them in spirit to celebrate. After the reading, Gill realised it was the anniversary of her brother’s passing, a detail she confirmed upon checking Facebook, nearly 20 years after his death.


Gill was planning a trip to Las Vegas to meet her sister from Texas. They discovered they would be together on their brother’s birthday. They celebrated by dining at the Venetian, toasting to him by the fountain, feeling his presence with them in spirit.


During another reading, her brother mentioned being present at Gill’s wedding in Mexico, describing a reserved chair with a white flower buttonhole. Indeed, an empty chair with a lily buttonhole was set up for him on the beach, confirming his spiritual presence.


Detailed Connections

Gill's grandmother often comes through in readings, described in vivid detail. As a fellow spiritual practitioner who used divination tools, she is easily recognisable. One reader even mentioned the exact road where they used to go blackberry picking together when Gill was a young girl, providing tangible evidence of her continued presence and connection.


These are just a handful of many mediumship messages and Gill hopes they provide comforting insights and affirmations about the experiences of loved ones in the spirit world.  You might like to explore more about mediumship.

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