Contact Gill:   +44 7711200705

What Happens When We Die?

Gill believes the soul is eternal, therefore we never really die.  She believes we have all experienced many lives on planet earth, selecting our meat suit in the same way as we would select our costume for a theatrical show.  Aligning ourselves with our predetermined soul plan to gather emotional experiences and learnings before the curtain goes up and it’s show time.  But with all those preshow plans and knowledge from previous lives erased for the optimum journey of soul enlightenment. 

A prelude to Gill’s story.  Whilst Gill was going through the dark night of the soul, it’s strange how she was getting nudged to ensure she was on the right path.  This included messages from psychics telling her that she had psychic abilities and was a light worker.  Gill didn’t even know what the term light worker meant.  These nudges are common and shouldn’t be ignored.  Stop and reflect, have you been hearing the same? 


Anyway, at the time a dear friend had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it was terminal.  She confided in Gill, a very emotional moment where she expressed that she was petrified of passing. Gill felt helpless, after hugging her, she realised that she couldn’t really do or say anything to pacify her friend.  Nothing other than being there to support her.  But what could she say to offer her comfort.  Gill felt lost for words.  As soon as she returned home, she researched typing into Google ‘what happens when we die’. 


Gill discovered that there’s only a few ways that the death experience can be understood within our human form and was astounded to learn the coincidences reported across all settings.  This is why she believes without doubt, and she finds great comfort knowing that our soul never really dies.  


  • Near death experiences - NDE’s. (Experiences explained).


  • Hospice reported experiences during the death process. 


  • Hypnosis - Past life regression. (With proof using supportive case studies, recordings and further investigations). 

Near Death Experiences

 A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound psychological event that occurs to a person who is close to death or in a situation where death is likely or imminent, but who ultimately survives. NDEs are characterised by a variety of phenomena that are reported by individuals across different cultures and belief systems. These experiences are often transformative and can have lasting effects on a person's perspective on life and death.

Common Elements of Near-Death Experiences


  • Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)
    • Many people report feeling as though they have left their physical body and can observe their surroundings from a different perspective, often from above.


  • Tunnel Experience
    • Some individuals describe traveling through a dark tunnel towards a bright light.


  • Feelings of Peace and Calm
    • A profound sense of peace, well-being, and painlessness is frequently reported.


  • Encountering Beings of Light
    • People often report meeting spiritual beings, deceased loved ones, or figures from religious traditions. These beings are typically described as radiant or made of light.


  • Life Review
    • Some experiencers describe a rapid review of their life, where they see significant moments from their past in vivid detail.


  • Decision to Return
    • A sense of being given a choice to return to the physical body or feeling a sense of mission that compels them to return.


  • Altered Sense of Time
    • A perception that time is either speeding up, slowing down, or even ceasing to exist.


  • Heightened Senses
    • Enhanced awareness and clarity, with colors, sounds, and sensations often reported as more vivid and intense than usual.


  • Boundary or Barrier
    • Encountering a boundary or barrier that represents a point of no return, beyond which the person cannot pass if they are to return to life.


Spiritual Interpretations: 

  • Many people view NDEs as evidence of an afterlife, a spiritual realm, or the continuation of consciousness after physical death.


Psychological and Physiological Explanations

  • Some researchers suggest that NDEs may result from neurological and physiological processes in the brain under extreme stress, such as oxygen deprivation, endorphin release, or other biochemical reactions.


Cross-Cultural Consistency

  • Despite cultural differences, the core elements of NDEs are remarkably consistent across various cultures and belief systems, suggesting a common human experience.


Impact of NDEs:



  • Many individuals report significant changes in their attitudes, beliefs, and values after an NDE. They often develop a greater appreciation for life, a sense of purpose, and reduced fear of death.


Psychological Effects

  • NDEs can lead to positive psychological changes, but they can also be challenging to integrate into everyday life, sometimes leading to feelings of isolation or difficulty in relating to others.


Near-death experiences remain a fascinating and deeply personal phenomenon, inviting ongoing exploration and study from both scientific and spiritual perspectives.


Hospice Reports

Gill shares the end-of-life experiences that are commonly known to those working within a hospice. Apologise if this triggers any emotions, she found it difficult to write.  But let’s face it, we are all on a journey with the same destination, the only difference is the time, how long our journey will take. That’s why it’s important to give gratitude for each and every day. 

Hospices are focused on providing comfort and support to individuals who are nearing the end of their lives. As death approaches, patients often have experiences that can be profound and varied. These experiences can provide insight into the dying process and offer comfort to both patients and their families. 


Common experiences near death include; increased sleep fatigue, decreased appetite, changes in breathing and body temperature, they become withdrawn and detached as they prepare for transition. 


But what Gill is fascinated about and feels important to share is the psychological and spiritual experiences that are commonly reported but not often spoken about:


  • Life Review
    • Some individuals may reflect on their life, recalling significant events and relationships. This can be a time of reconciliation, resolve unfinished business, mend relationships, or express final wishes and ultimately finding peace. 


  • Visions
    • It is very common for dying individuals to report seeing deceased loved ones, religious figures, or beautiful landscapes. These visions are often comforting and reassuring.


  • Near-Death Awareness
    • Some patients seem to have an awareness of their impending death, expressing readiness to "go home" or indicating they see a light or a tunnel.


  • Heightened Spiritual Awareness
    • Patients often experience a deepened sense of spirituality or express profound spiritual insights, regardless of their prior beliefs.


It’s important to express our gratitude to everyone that works within a hospice.  Their care aims to honor the dying process, providing compassionate care and support to ensure that patients can transition with dignity and as much comfort as possible.  Amen to that! 

What About Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regressions?

There are many books documenting these subjects but a few particularly resonated with her, they are Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, published in 1994 and Between Death and Life - Conversations with Spirit by Delores Cannon, publishing in 1993. 


Both books share many consistencies in their respective discoveries, yet they were published literally a year apart.  Remember, this is at a time when there wasn’t any internet and it’s highly doubtful that the authors would have been working in collaboration.  Both with similar credentials to, both credible and highly regarded hypnotherapists, that both happened to stumble upon lives in between life’s and past life regression.  If you read both books, they are backed by hundreds, if not thousands of case studies, of individual’s experiences during recorded hypnotherapy sessions. Seriously investigating claims made during those sessions and/or documenting many years of research into NDE’s.   

Journey of Souls by Michael Newton


It is a seminal book on spiritual regression therapy and provides deep insights into the soul's journey between lives.  First published in May 1994. 

Michael J. Newton, Ph.D., is a renowned figure in the field of hypnotherapy and past-life regression therapy. Here is a brief overview of his credentials, his approach to hypnotherapy, and his contributions to near-death experience (NDE) research:



Michael Newton held a doctorate in Counselling Psychology, providing him with a strong academic foundation in human behaviour and therapy.  He was a certified Master Hypnotherapist and held memberships in various professional associations related to hypnotherapy and counselling.  Newton founded the Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy, which trains and certifies practitioners in his specialised techniques.


He used hypnotherapy to guide clients into deep states of hypnosis, where they could recall past lives and experiences between incarnations. He developed a unique method of spiritual regression that involves guiding clients into the superconscious state to explore their soul memories between lifetimes.  His technique involved deep hypnosis, which allowed clients to bypass the conscious mind and access subconscious memories. This method was used to uncover insights into their soul's journey, purpose, and the lessons they were learning.


Although Newton’s work primarily focused on past-life and between-life regression, he also conducted a lot of work on near death experiences.  His NDE research conducted through thousands of client sessions, Newton gathered extensive data on the afterlife, offering detailed descriptions of the spirit world, the process of reincarnation, and the journey of the soul.


His findings provide a broader context for understanding NDEs by detailing the soul’s experiences in the spiritual realm, which align with many reported elements of NDEs, such as encounters with spiritual beings, life reviews, and the presence of a loving, light-filled environment.


Newton authored several influential books, including "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls," which have been widely read and translated into multiple languages.


His books present numerous, thousands case studies of clients who recalled their past lives and the between-life state, offering detailed accounts of the soul's journey and the structure of the spirit world.


Newton’s work has significantly influenced the fields of spiritual regression and hypnotherapy, providing a framework for understanding the soul's journey and promoting the therapeutic benefits of past-life and between-life regression.


The Newton Institute continues his work by training new practitioners, conducting further research, and advancing the understanding of spiritual regression therapy.


Michael J. Newton’s contributions have provided profound insights into the nature of the soul, the afterlife, and the purpose of reincarnation, bridging the gap between therapeutic practice and spiritual exploration.


Here’s Gill’s quick summary from the book:


  • Life Between Lives
    • Souls exist in a realm between incarnations where they reflect on past lives and prepare for future ones.
  • Soul Groups
    • Souls travel in groups and often reincarnate with the same souls in different roles across lifetimes.
  • Soul Levels
    • Souls evolve through different levels of development, learning lessons and gaining wisdom over many lifetimes.
  • Guides and Elders
    • Each soul has spiritual guides and advanced beings (Elders) who provide guidance and counsel in the spirit world.
  • Purpose of Reincarnation
    • The primary purpose of reincarnation is the soul's growth and development through experiences and lessons.
  • Soul's Plan
    • Souls participate in planning their upcoming lives, including choosing their parents, circumstances, and key life events.
  • Karma
    • Karma is seen as a learning tool rather than punishment, designed to teach souls about cause and effect and to encourage personal growth.
  • The Council of Elders
    • Souls undergo a review process with the Council of Elders to evaluate their past lives and plan for future ones.
  • Life Reviews
    • After death, souls review their most recent life to understand their actions, lessons learned, and areas for improvement.
  • Free Will
    • While there are pre planned aspects of each life, souls have free will to make choices and learn from the consequences.
  • Energy and Vibration
    • Souls possess unique energy signatures and vibrate at different frequencies based on their level of development.
  • Healing in the Spirit World
    • Souls undergo healing and rejuvenation in the spirit world to recover from the physical and emotional experiences of their past lives.
  • Spiritual Classrooms
    • Souls attend educational settings in the spirit world to learn and prepare for future incarnations.
  • Earth as a Learning Ground
    • Earth is considered a challenging environment where souls can experience accelerated growth.
  • Soul Mates
    • Souls have deep, enduring connections with certain other souls, often termed soul mates, who play significant roles in their various lives.
  • Soul Colours
    • Souls exhibit different colours that reflect their development and vibrational state.
  • Soul Memories
    • Although conscious memories of past lives are usually hidden, they can be accessed through spiritual regression therapy.
  • Past Life Regression Therapy
    • Hypnotherapy can help individuals access past life memories, leading to profound personal insights and healing.
  • Death and Dying
    • The process of dying is described as peaceful, with souls often greeted by loved ones and guides on the other side.
  • Unity and Oneness
    • Ultimately, all souls are interconnected and part of a greater universal consciousness, emphasising the importance of love and compassion.


These takeaways encapsulate the essence of Newton's exploration of the spiritual realm and the soul's journey through multiple lifetimes.

Another book Gill believes worthy of exploring is that of Delores Cannon.  Another author and hypnosis expert.  Gill likes it that Delores documented everything, recording sessions with clients.  Investigating after.  For example, during a hypnotic past life regression, a client might recall being at war, in an army trench with bullets being fired.  They are hit and pass away. She would get them to read name and rank from their dog tag and then research afterwards to find out that it’s true, someone of that name did exist, did die on that battlefield!  So, the evidence collected by Delores is substantiated in Gill’s opinion and resonates with her own curious mind. 

Between Death and Life - Conversations with Spirit 


by Delores Cannon. First published is 1993. 

Dolores Cannon is primarily known for her work as a hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist. Her credentials and professional background include:


  • Hypnotherapist - Dolores Cannon was a certified hypnotherapist with a specialisation in past-life regression therapy. She developed her own unique hypnosis technique known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).
  • She wrote extensively on subjects related to; past lives, reincarnation, extra-terrestrial beings, and metaphysical phenomena, publishing several influential books on these topics.
  • Lecturer and Trainer - Cannon travelled globally to conduct lectures, workshops, and training sessions, sharing her insights and techniques with a wide audience.
  • Founder of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy - This institution trains practitioners in her QHHT method, ensuring that her techniques continue to be taught and practiced worldwide.


According to Gill and learnt from watching Dolores's videos, she retells of her anecdotal encounters with the U.S government, being the go-to expert and investigator using hypnosis following reports of extra-terrestrial abductions. However, these go unsubstantiated, there is no public or verifiable information indicating that Dolores Cannon worked directly with any branch of the U.S. government or held any official governmental position. But any UFO or ET phenomena is kept top secret, isn’t it? 


That aside, her reputation and credibility stem from her extensive work in the field of hypnotherapy and past-life regression, as well as her contributions to the broader metaphysical and spiritual communities through her books and teachings.



Between Death and Life – Conversations with a Spirit by Dolores Cannon offers comfort to the fearful and confirmation to the curious. The book explores various levels of existence in the spirit realms through the past life testimonies of hundreds of individuals, as revealed by Dolores Cannon, a widely published and internationally acclaimed past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist.


Key Questions Explored:


  • What happens at the point of death?
  • Where do we go afterwards?
  • Does one's personality survive after death?
  • How are the good and bad experiences of life accounted for?
  • What is the purpose of life?


Insights from Dolores Cannon:


Dolores Cannon, with forty years of detailed research, provides reasonable answers to these profound questions. As a well-respected American past-life regression therapist, she has gathered a wealth of credible information about the death experience and the afterlife.


Common Testimonies Hundreds of subjects, while reliving their dying experiences, reported similar memories. The consistency and sincerity of their recollections are compelling and difficult to dismiss.


Themes Explored:


  • The Death Experience and Reincarnation: 
    • Insights into what happens at the moment of death and the journey that follows.
  • Guides and Guardian Angels:
    • The roles of spiritual guides and guardian angels in the afterlife.
  • Ghosts and Walk-ins: Understanding the phenomena of ghosts and walk-ins.
  • Different Levels of Existence: 
    • Examination of various realms in the spirit world, including:
  • Healing Chambers - Spaces for spiritual and emotional healing.
  • Educational Schools - Places where souls integrate lessons learned on Earth and understand the laws of the Universe.
  • Planning Next Incarnation - How souls plan their next lives, including lessons to be learned and future karmic relationships.


Gill believes this eye-opening book provides a profound exploration of the world beyond ours, offering deep insights into life, death, and the spiritual realms.



Between Death and Life: Table of Contents


  • The Death Experience
  • The Greeters
  • A Near Death Experience
  • The Schools
  • The Grand Tour
  • The Different Levels or Planes of Existence
  • So-Called 'Bad' Lives
  • Guides
  • God and Jesus
  • Satan, Possession and Demons
  • Ghosts and Poltergeists
  • Planning and Preparation
  • The General Council
  • Imprinting
  • Walk-ins
  • The Return Trip



Dolores Cannon was a prolific author and hypnotherapist known for her extensive work in past-life regression and metaphysical topics. Here are some more of her most notable books:


  • Five Lives Remembered
    • (2009). Dolores Cannon's first book, which documents her early work and first experiences with past-life regression.
  • Keepers of the Garden
    • (1993). Explores the origins of the human race and our connection with extra-terrestrial beings.
  • The Custodians: Beyond Abduction 
    • (1998) A deeper dive into the subject of UFOs and extra-terrestrial contact, based on Cannon's regressive hypnosis sessions.
  • Convoluted Universe - This series delves into complex metaphysical concepts, past lives, extra-terrestrial influence, parallel universes, and much more.
  • The Convoluted Universe: Book One (2001)
  • The Convoluted Universe: Book Two (2005)
  • The Convoluted Universe: Book Three (2008)
  • The Convoluted Universe: Book Four (2012)
  • The Convoluted Universe: Book Five (2015)
  • Legacy from the Stars (1996)
    • Investigates the soul's journey and the connection to extra-terrestrial influences and past lives.
  • Jesus and the Essenes (1992)
    • Based on past-life regressions that recount the life of Jesus and the Essene community.
  • They Walked with Jesus (1994)
    • Continues the exploration of the past lives of individuals who were contemporaries of Jesus.
  • The Legend of Starcrash (1994)
    • A past-life regression revealing a story of ancient extra-terrestrial contact in Alaska.
  • The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth (2011)
    • Discusses the concept of three waves of souls incarnating on Earth to help humanity transition to a higher level of consciousness.
  • A Soul Remembers Hiroshima (1993)
    • The past-life regression of a man who recalls his life in Hiroshima during the atomic bombing.
  • The Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge (2014)
    • Explores ancient knowledge and wisdom that has been hidden or suppressed throughout history.


These books collectively showcase Dolores Cannon's extensive research and insights into the soul's journey, past lives, extra-terrestrial contact, and metaphysical phenomena.

A-Z of Cystals and Powerful Properties

An A-Z listing of popular types of crystals along with their specific holistic and spiritual properties.  These descriptions provide a general overview of the spiritual and holistic properties associated with these crystals.

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