Contact Gill:   +44 7711200705

How Gill Discovered Her Spirit Guide

And How That Discovery Was Later Endorsed During a Public Mediumship Reading

The Story of Oppa Chu-Woo


During Gills spiritual awakening and now understanding that she was going through a phase known as ‘The Dark Night of the Soul’ 


Gill was learning to fine tune her psychic abilities, becoming confident and feeling safe, she had become curious to learn more about the benevolent spirit that she sensed was somehow supporting and guiding her. 


She practices meditation daily to increase her vibration, open up to the frequencies required to work with the spiritual realm.  When Gill meditates, her eyes are closed, she experiences black, like the blackest of dark night sky.  Then what she can only describe as stars, lots of little shooting white stars. 


The tiny stars would come together creating pictures and symbols.  Gill would get very frustrated as it was all happening too fast for her.  Her spoken mind would ask for it to slow down, "you’re going too fast for me, please slow down, I am still learning". 


Sometimes the tiny stars on the jet-black screen would present in a similar way to an old black and white TV when it loses signal, and you play about with the aerial or hit it with your hand on the top and the picture returns. 


Anyway, the tiny white stars would run horizontally or vertically, depending on yes or no answers to her questions.  She would ask questions in the same way she would if using her dowser/pendulum, the horizontal formats, running down the screen like a slatted window blind would equal ‘Yes’ answers and when they were displayed vertically, they were ‘No’.


She regularly got herself into theta brain waves through meditation and then began to communicate.  Asking questions, asking test questions to gauge the accuracy.  Then she became frightened.  Shutting down and pulling herself out of theta.  Knowing she was communicating with something; how did she know if it was benevolent or not?  The fear became intense for Gill, she would surround herself with crystals for protection.  Her husband would joke that she would go to bed with a rockery.  Not very understanding, he is very alpha male, atheist, with a logical mind, an airline pilot, you know the type. 


Then one day, she was going through the process and spoke with her mind, telekinesis “I’m not ready for this, I am frightened, how do I know if you are good?”  Then she received a reply “Don’t think, feel.  Feel with your heart”.  She was then overwhelmed and brought to tears with the most immense and indescribable feeling of unconditional love.  It was like receiving a hug from an angel.  Immediately any fear disappeared and throughout life she practices connecting her heart to determine and clarify whether something is true, honest, and benevolent or not, it’s a tool that’s like having an inner compass and she recommends that there’s great benefits to everyone should they activate their own intuitive compass too. 


Gill would also see colours, like what one would experience with the aurora borealis. The most beautiful colours.  Sometimes a bright white light, spinning.  After sharing this phenomenon with a friend, her friend told her that the spinning light might be a tunnel, a tunnel to another dimension.  Whatever happens, don’t go into the tunnel.  You might not return.  Fear was implanted yet again.  Gill avoided the so-called tunnel of white light.  Then one time, she was inside the tunnel, she didn’t enter it purposefully.  Gill describes it as like the Doctor Who TV opening.  It’s as though all the circles of white light is rushing past you.  Rushing past, rushing past. Then nothing but pure blackness. Dark black, nothingness.  Nothing but a feeling of presence of something, unconditional love, peacefulness, unity, and oneness. Difficult to describe really. 


Gill is curious by nature and has a strong logical mind.  She was then on a mission to learn more, try to explain the phenomena that she was experiencing.  Is this something that others experience too?  Who, what is the benevolent being? 


The phenomena of seeing colours were following a session of Reiki healing.  Gills friend had just completed a course and wasn’t feeling confident to work with her newly developed gift.  So Gill suggested that she should practice on her and in return she would give her honest feedback.  During the reiki session Gill could see different colours within her mind’s eye.  As the hands moved down the body, the colours would change. Where there was a blockage in the chakra the colour would present black. 


Triggering Gill’s curiosity, she felt compelled to research this, typing into google ‘is it normal for a person receiving reiki healing to see colours?’  And yes, this was a reported phenomenon.  Very interesting.  Gill invites you to research it for yourself.



Okay, so seeing the colours is an actual thing during reiki, therefore it makes sense during meditation too.  But is the phenomenon that Gill experiences during meditation normal or do others experience similar or the same?  Gill soon learnt from a quick google that this was normal too, especially with those who have advanced meditation skills. 


Gill wanted to know if she could share her experiences during meditation.  Might it work if she held hands with a friend?  Trying for the first time, she learnt that her friend did not experience the same as Gill when meditating together holding hands.  But the second attempt and the results were mind blowing. 


So, it was a different friend, not the same as the first attempt.  But Gill and her friend Fiona held hands and Gill talked through a deep guided meditation. Wow, once finished, Fiona was overwhelmed with emotion, she relayed exactly what she experienced, she saw the stars, the aurora borealis colours, the bright light tunnel that she described as an eye type formation.  She shared the same experiences as Gill during the session. But most importantly she experienced the unconditional love, a hug from an Angel.  Gill also had an ah ha moment as she learnt that it was possible to share her meditation experience with others.  Wow! 


Next, Gill wanted you to learn who she was connecting with, what and who is the benevolent being? Is it an Angel? Is it a spiritual guide? Is it God? Is it an extra-terrestrial being - an ET? 


Things start to get interesting.  Gill researched and found a lovely, guided meditation to discover your spirit guide.  After practicing daily for maybe about three weeks, her spirit guide appeared and approached her, it was on a beach setting by the ocean side and a figure of a man approached her, he answered ‘Yes’ when she asked if he was her spirit guide.  After many attempts and ‘No’ responses.  This time it was a ‘Yes’.   The man presented as though he was from the far east.  Wearing a long satin gown and Gill would describe his figure as like that of Confucius.  Gill asked his name and the responses he received was ‘Oppa’.


Gill immediately pulled herself out of the meditation, no goodbyes, no gratitude.  She quickly wrote the name down in case she forgot it.  The next day she typed it into google and it meant - older brother.  Gill felt she was onto something but needed more.  After another few weeks of deep meditation and trying to learn more. He appeared again, this time she learns the name was Oppa Chu-Woo. Gill is British and somewhat ignorant to languages of the far east, was it Chinese, Cantonese, Tibetan?  She documented the name using layman spelling and left it there.  Giving gratitude to knowing that her Spirit Guide was a China man called Oppa Chu-woo.  When working psychically Gill would call upon Oppa to come close, to blend with her together providing guidance or healing to those that need it.  She found it comforting that she wasn’t working alone and Oppa was supporting from the spiritual realm. 

Then things get more interesting again.  Gill spends time at her local spiritual church where she is developing her mediumship, sometimes practicing on the platform, and sometimes delivering spiritual workshops or one-to-one readings. She Journals any readings she receives from mediums and shares them with her sister who lives in Texas and is always eager to hear messages from family members across the veil.  She is a big champion of her sisters work. 


Here’s the extract from Gill’s Journal that would undoubtedly question the mind of any spiritual sceptic; 


Bournemouth Spiritual Church (15th March 2023) An Evening of Mediumship with Geoffrey Hayward.


Right young lady! (Pointing at Gill) You do a lot of work with spirit! 


I don’t usually do this, but your spirit guide is standing by your side! 


Are you aware that you have a spirit guide, and he is a China man? (Yes, I know Gill responds). 


Well he is Tibetan, a very intelligent man, he was once a scribe before it was common for people to read and write.  You do know about him? 


“Yes, I did a meet your Spirit Guide meditation many times a few years ago. I know what he looks like, I even know his name!” Gill replies. 


Amazing - well he wears a long green gown and when you meditate, you see colours! 

“Yes!” Gill replies. 


Well, he wants you to know that when you see green, to know that it’s him, he is there with you! 


Have you been writing or thinking about writing?  


“Yes” Gill responds. 


When you read it back, you think to yourself, where did that come from?  Sometimes you’ll write a word and without knowing the meaning, you must then research it? 




You are being guided, its spirit writing through you!


Nan is here too, but she’s always close by, you know that. I can’t say that she was a sweet lady, she was a very straight talker, said it how it is, straight to the point.  Though she wasn’t tall in stature, she was very strong.  A very strong lady!  Your mum would have feared her and she tried her best to keep your mum in check! 




Anyway, you are going through a period of transformation, and they are very pleased with your growth and your development, it’s taken you a while, but you are now on your right path!


“Yes - thank you!”


You are very kind and giving, probably too much so and it’s not necessarily reciprocated. 


“Yes, you’re probably right!”


Are you considering writing a book? 


“Yes - maybe”


Well, that pleases them very much! 


Tell me, did you have a relationship with a man that had a red sports car?  Very fast car? Like the shape of, I want to say a Mini Cooper?  Red, with black leather interior.  Quite a dapper man, always dressed the part.  Suits and I want to say a cravat or pocket Hanky, you know the type.  A real charmer!  When he would drive, he was like a boy racer, taking the corners really fast! He loved this car; I want to say that he loved this car more than he loved you. 


“Yes, I can take it”


Well, this man, is he in spirit? (No).

Well, he has been thinking about you a lot lately!  I feel that he has been in bad health of late!  It’s like his fast-paced lifestyle has caught up with him!  


“Yes, I feel it might be my ex-husband!”


Yes, I have his mum here, she is in spirit, I can tell you that she was very fond of you as you were of her too!  When she passed, you rallied around, and she knows that you lit a candle and played some music for her too.  She was very touched by that! She didn’t see you as a daughter-in-law, but more of a daughter she didn’t have. 


This man, her son, he thinks about you a lot, I feel he has some regrets, but time has passed, and you have both moved on! 

I want to say that this man hasn’t ever grown up! 


“Yes, that’s probably right!”


Tell me, did you both have a trip to Snowdonia?  I’m being shown the railway line, did you have a trip there, it’s when you realised the relationship was over. 


“No, I don’t recall, I do have connections to Wales though”. 


Well, I might be moving to connect with someone else….




Gill’s takeaways from this message:


I do see colours when I meditate, mostly green and pink).  I know I have a China man as my main spirit guide.  His name is Oppa Chu-woo!  He wears a long satin robe and a pillar-box hat with a long handlebar moustache!  My sister and my best friend, they know all about him because I have told them my experiences some years ago.  My nan was a psychic, she studied astrology, read the tarot and tealeaves too, she was small in stature, only about 4ft 8.  I am aware that she is close by more often than any other ancestral guide.  She definitely works with me, and I receive regular messages from her via mediums at the spiritual church to validate that.


Green seems to be a colour that I subconsciously resonate with.  The turquoise green/blue.  Like the Tiffany logo. It’s prevalent throughout my home, along with duck egg green/blue. 


In early 2000’s, Gill working in a senior marketing role within the Tech industry.  She won a nationwide award for the best marketing campaign, that campaign resonated Confucius proverbs and depicted Buddhist monks.  A journey of a thousand miles…

Gill now believes this could have been a synchronicity, a download, a type of automatic writing. 


An example of a download where I had to research the meaning: 

One time during meditation, I was praying for the hot weather to break.  There were many reports on the news about wildfires.  During this meditation, she asked what can be done to create rain.  After all the native Indians were known to do rain dances.  Stonehenge is known for being connected to the sun and harvest.  This is what she was her telekinetic conversation consisted of.  Then she received a download.  A word that she had never known, it simply wasn’t in her vocabulary.  She quickly scribbled it down.  That word was Casma.  


I’m sharing my research and subsequent shared WhatsApp messages that I shared with my sister in Texas.  You can make up your own mind up on this subject.  I didn’t really know what to do next or how to act upon it: 
























I  discovered that Casma is a city in the coastal desert of Peru, located 330 kilometers (210 mi) northwest of Lima. It is the capital of Casma Province and the third most populous city in the Ancash Region with an estimated population of 29,343

(2015). It is located in the lower Casma Valley, covering an area of 1,205km. 


Chankillo, also called Thirteen Towers of Chankillo, archaeological site erected between 200 and 300 bce in the desert of the Sechín River basin in the Ancash region of Peru.


Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex

The Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex is a prehistoric site (250-200 BC), located on the north-central coast of Peru, in the Casma Valley, comprising a set of constructions in a desert landscape that, together with natural features, functioned as a calendrical instrument, using the sun to define dates throughout the year. The site includes a triple-walled hilltop complex, known as the Fortified Temple, two building complexes called Observatory and Administrative Centre, a line of 13 cuboidal towers stretching along the ridge of a hill, and the Cerro Mucho Malo that complements the Thirteen Towers as a natural marker. The ceremonial centre was probably dedicated to a solar cult, and the presence of an observation point on either side of the north-south line of the Thirteen Towers allows the observation both of the solar rising and setting points throughout the whole year. The site shows great innovation by using the solar cycle and an artificial horizon to mark the solstices, the equinoxes, and every other date within the year with a precision of 1-2 days. It is thus a testimony of the culmination of a long historical evolution of astronomical practices in the Casma Valley.



Mind-blowing Ancient Solar Calendar

In this clip from Wonders of the Universe Brian Cox visits The Thirteen Towers solar observatory of Chankillo in Peru. The 2,500-year-old solar calendar was built by a civilization of which very little is known:



Now this is a bit personal, my mum was a complex person, I grew up with challenges of both mental and physical abuse shared by my four siblings.  I now offer my mum, who’s now in spirit, forgiveness, and gratitude. 


My ex-husband, yes, he is a man that takes care of the way he dresses.  Always suited and booted.  No cravats though.  Yes, he had a red Peugeot 205 Sports car with black leather interior.  He recently took very unwell and had an operation a few months prior to receiving the reading, though I am very pleased that he has since recovered and is doing well.  I also believe it’s very natural to go through a period of reflection when you are unwell and incapacitated. We share a son.  


Snowdonia - I’m not so sure about that, other than my ancestors lived in the Castle once, Great, great grandparents, that’s if my family tree in is correct.


My results from researching the colour Green:


Green is the colour of wealth, fertility, regeneration, hope, harmony, and growth. Green also represents pure and clean.

Buildings, banks, and restaurants are often painted in green. Packaging for milk or produce is often in green to indicate that the product is contamination free.


Green/blue is the same colour!


Grue - one of China's traditional colours is what the Chinese call Qing. There's no direct colour for this in our lexicon, but it's most closely described as grue, a shade of green-blue. Green-blue = gr-ue.

Grue is associated with the element of wood and represents wealth and harmony.


Green also represents nature, growth, rebirth, health, hope, and many positive things related to overall wellbeing. One can sense the feeling of belonging and tranquillity whenever one sees this soothing colour. It perfectly resonates nature cycle of birth, death, and then rebirth with transformation and new beginnings.

Gill always suggests that when a colour is conveyed during a reading, learn about the crystal that best represents the colour and the properties and healing it may represent. 


In this instance the crystal Gill concluded to be was Green Jade.  



Green jade is aligned with the vibrational level of the heart chakra and can help if the heart becomes stuck. “Jade has a vibration that can shift blockages and provides cleansing to promote a healthy flow of energy through the heart centre.


The Jade stone particularly favours wisdom and insightful thinking; hence, it works best for people feeling indecisive and directionless. However, anyone and everyone can wear a Jade stone as it promotes positive thoughts and attracts good luck.


So, you’ve learnt how Gill discovered her spirit guide.  Everyone has one.  Gill shares some tips to help you discover yours.  

A-Z of Cystals and Powerful Properties

An A-Z listing of popular types of crystals along with their specific holistic and spiritual properties.  These descriptions provide a general overview of the spiritual and holistic properties associated with these crystals.

View A-Z of Crystals

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